Creatively inquiring through research, design, and storytelling.
Apr 29, 20212 min read
Mock Rhetorical Theory Lesson
Updated: Nov 9, 2022
Major In-Class Learning Activities Week One
Monday: Introduce the appeals using a brief slide show that briefly discusses the appeals. Students will watch a short clip further explaining what rhetorical appeals are Wednesday: We review the appeals by watching a brief commercial and start applying what the appeals are and how they’re used. Friday: Freewriting day. Students will bring in a Meme to share with the class. Students will work on identifying the rhetorical appeals and establishing how they work or how they don’t work with the presented material. Brainstorm workshop. Students will draft a list of potential topics and discuss with their peers.
Monday: Powerpoint presentation and Youtube video on Rhetoric.Wednesday: TBD. Commercials from YouTubeFriday: Twitter. Facebook. Potentially TikTok for more current advertisement. Have a screenshot copy of what you plan on using.
Week Two
Monday and Wednesday: Continued Brainstorm workshop – With the upcoming analysis, students will provide a list of potential ideas to share with their peer group, then narrow down their ideas to one or two potential topics to present to me. In peer groups, students will explain to one another the rhetorical appeals (creating an outline before class)TBD
Week Three
Monday: Students should have a rough draft to present into their peer group. Students will read their peer partner’s paper and make detailed comments to help their peer make clearer connections or whatever advancements the assignment needs. Wednesday: Submit drafts before the end of the day. During class, we will clear up any confusion about what’s coming up. I will give students feedback on their assignments if they would like additional guidance on the assignment.Friday: revise their papers (on a digital drive of their choice) and potentially their source/reference to help during the revision process.
Week Four
Monday: The students should have a peer reviewed rough draft. They will look over the changes (tracked with word tracking) and write about the changes they made and why. Wednesday or Friday: submit final draft. We will start discussing how these appeals and changes will help them with their argumentative paper. Their papers and access to the track edits they made to their document. They will be using the computers to write on their blog or potentially a discussion post.